Our Empowerment Series is back for a second year! Designed with Christian education leaders in mind, this series will focus on a variety of topics that aim to help you grow your school and continue in the mission God has given you. 

To see a description and registration form for each event, please click the + beside the date/topic. Every session requires a separate registration, as you may want to invite specific leaders, teachers, or board members to each one.

12:00pm (CDT)

School choice initiatives have the potential to bless many families who have not historically participated in private Christian education. That blessing, in turn, may cause quick growth in schools’ inquiries and enrollment. In this panel discussion, we will look at how school choice initiatives can impact school mission/vision and how to navigate this successfully.

Special Guests: Panel of School Leaders

12:00pm (CDT)

As Christian organizations, we know that religions freedom is protected by the U.S. Constitution. But with federal policy revisions happening regularly, we may start wondering how it all practically shakes out for private Christian schools. In this sessions, our guest will specifically discuss Title IX implications for religious schools, as well as other current legal issues you may have questions about. (This session will specifically focus on U.S. legal issues, but non-U.S. schools are also welcome to register.)

Special Guest: Greg Baylor, Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom and Director of ADF Center for Religious Schools

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Current U.S. Legal Issues

12:00pm (CDT)

God has given you an incredible vision for your school, and we know that where He leads He also provides. One of the ways He provides is through the generosity of His people, but sometimes we just don’t know how to tap into that in a non-awkward way. In this session, you will learn and discuss creative ideas and systems for cultivating donor relationships and meeting advancement goals.

Special Guest: Sid Walker, Christian School Consultant

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Donor Development

12:00pm (CST)

There is a strategy for building a strategic plan! And while we can’t promise the process will be easy, we can help make it simple. In this first of two sessions about strategic planning, we will learn how to dream a God-sized vision for school improvement and to create quality, living documents that build it.

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Strategic Planning Vision & Framework

12:00pm (CST)

In the second session of our two-part series on strategic planning, we will talk about taking action. Join us to get the details of how to maintain measured progress, get the right people involved, and pay for the dream.

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Strategic Planning KPIs, Accountability & Budgeting

12:00pm (CST)

For a myriad of practical reasons, mentoring new leaders is a good idea. It helps employee engagement, creates stability and sustainability, builds culture, and on and on. But as believers, we know there is deep spiritual meaning in it, as well. If work is worship, it follows that discipleship belongs in the workplace – in the context of work! In this session, we will learn strategies that identify up-and-coming leaders, train them, and commission them for success inside your school.

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Mentoring Leaders

12:00pm (CST)

Did reading that title bring up some fear you have been pushing away? No wonder. We know there are constant threats against all things technical in our schools, from student records to email hacks to unwanted pop-up ads. Guarding your organization from online malicious groups and individuals has to be a priority. In this session we will discuss some systems and training protocols for keeping your school safe.

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Cybersecurity Issues

12:00pm (CST)

If we asked what percentage of an administrator’s job is dealing with issues around bullying, we are confident it would be high. What if there was a way to be proactive instead of reactive? During this session you will gather ideas about strategies, systems, and trainings that will provide teachers, students, and families the tools for an awesome culture in your school community.

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Bullying Prevention

12:00pm (CDT)

Are Title (i.e. government) funds even an option for private Christian schools? Yes! As an administrator, it is important to know about this possible source of funding for your school. In this session, we will discuss what funds are available to private schools, what implications they could have on your school, and how to use them effectively. (This session will specifically focus on Title funds in the U.S.)

Special Guest: Warren Dillon, Catapult Learning

Empowerment Series 2024-2025 Registration – Using Title Funds